Past actions

PM Trudeau: Call on the UAE to free Canadian citizen Salim Alaradi now!


Salim Alaradi, a Canadian citizen and father of 5 young children, has been detained without charge in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) since August 2014. We are also worried that he was tortured. His health is deteriorating quickly as his family has informed us this week. Write to Prime Minister Trudeau to urge him to call on the UAE to free Salim Alaradi now!

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Background information:

On August 28, 2014 Salim was arrested without charge from a hotel during a family vacation.  His family was never told why he was arrested or where he was taken.  Family members immediately informed Canadian authorities.

On the same day, his brother Mohamad Alaradi was also arrested and detained.

The UAE authorities refused to provide information to the family.  The family did not publicly advocate in hopes of Salim’s immediate release, however, his whereabouts remained unknown for over four months until a call was received and details of his location were provided.

After 4 months his brother Mohamad was released. Reasons for arrest or release where never shared and are considered arbitrary. It is suspected that his release was due to international pressure and to reduce attention on those detained.

During this period, it became clear that Salim’s arrest was one of several arrests on residents who held Libyan nationality. At least ten Libyan men, some with dual nationality, were detained in the UAE between 13th of August and 3rd of September. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch quickly investigated and issued reports confirming that Salim’s detainment was considered enforced disappearance and arbitrary under international law.

Find more information and actions on the Free Salim Alaradi campaign website spearheaded by one of Salim’s daughter here.

Tell Ottawa to implement this Privacy Plan

OpenMedia – Canada’s growing privacy deficit has alarming consequences for our everyday lives. We’re at a tipping point where we need to decide whether to continue evolving into a surveillance society, or whether to rein in the government’s spying apparatus before more lives are ruined by information disclosures.

OpenMedia’s crowdsourced Privacy Plan outlines common sense steps to strengthen privacy safeguards for all of us.

The government has just rammed its anti-privacy Bill C-51 through the Senate. Now we need to tell Party Leaders to #KillC51 and implement this positive alternative.


Share the video below on Facebook and Twitter to keep the pressure on the party leaders

Tell party leaders to commit to Kill Bill C-51!

Open Media – 271,060 Canadians spoke out against reckless Bill C-51.

The government just ignored you and rammed it through Parliament.

It’s time to demand each of the party leaders commit to Kill Bill C-51 now!


Learn more about the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015 (formerly Bill C-51) here.