
bigstock-green-donate-button-46905649-e1436889936996-900x468Your donation to ICLMG supports our work to protect and promote civil liberties and human rights in the context of the so-called “war on terror” in Canada. Our work includes:  lobbying and carrying out advocacy work with Parliamentarians and policy makers, research, writing briefs and reports, public education and media monitoring.

On the fence about giving? Check out our Achievements and Gains since we were created in 2002!

We do not receive any financial support from any federal, provincial or municipal governments or political parties. Any donation — $5, $50, $500 — goes a long way. You have a few options:

1. Become a patron of ICLMG on Patreon:


Patreon is a platform where people can support people and organizations in exchange for rewards so they can do their work sustainably and freely without having to rely on corporate sponsors. You can give as little as $1 per month (that’s just $12 per year!) and you can unsubscribe at any time.

2. Make a one-time online donation via Paypal:

3. Donate via e-transfer:

You can send e-transfers to:

4. Make recurring online donations via Paypal:

5. Donate via cheque by mail:
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
210-4 Florence Street
Ottawa, ON
K2P 0W7

Thank you for your generous support!