News from ICLMG

Letter to Justice Minister Lametti: Release Report into the Hassan Diab Case Now

Feel free to use this template and send your own message calling for the public release of the report, and the launch of a public inquiry into the case of Hassan Diab: and/or Thank you!

The Honourable David Lametti
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8

RE: Segal Report into the case of Dr. Hassan Diab

Minister Lametti,

I write to you today regarding the necessity of making the report into the extradition of Dr. Hassan Diab public, and the ongoing need for a full, public and independent inquiry into the case of Dr. Diab, and the Extradition Act overall.

It has come to our attention that the report, written by Mr. Murray Segal, has been submitted to your office, but that there has been no commitment to when – or if – the report will be made public. After the more than a decade ordeal that Dr. Diab and his family have been through, and the severe allegations of misconduct towards officials in your office, it is imperative that the details of what occurred, and what recommendations are being made, be rendered public.

On behalf of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Groups’ 46 member organizations, I am urging you to immediately release the Segal report publicly. Further, we are once again calling on your office to initiate a public inquiry into Dr. Diab’s extradition and the failings of the Extradition Act itself. Regardless of the findings of Mr. Segal’s report, the mandate of his external review was too narrow. For example, it did not include an examination of the Extradition Act, nor did it grant Mr. Segal the power to compel testimony or documents.

The severity of what Dr. Diab has gone through merits the scope and thoroughness of a
public inquiry. Only this will ensure a full accounting of the facts, full redress for Dr. Diab,
and the information needed to make the necessary reforms so that no Canadian faces the
same travesty again.

The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group is a coalition of human rights, civil liberties, labour, humanitarian, faith-based and environmental organizations working to protect civil liberties in the context of national security and anti-terrorism. We have been active on Dr. Diab’s case from the start, as it raised serious questions about the low level of evidence and “guilty until proven innocent” approach that surrounds many terrorism related proceedings. We rejoiced when Dr. Diab returned to Canada and to his family and friends. But unless there is a full inquiry, justice for Dr. Diab will never be achieved.

We would be more than happy to discuss our concerns with you, either in person or by
telephone at 613-241-5298. And we hope you take prompt action on this issue.


Tim McSorley
National Coordinator
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group

cc: The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada

Since you’re here…

… we have a small favour to ask. Here at ICLMG, we are working very hard to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in the context of the so-called “war on terror” in Canada. We do not receive any financial support from any federal, provincial or municipal governments or political parties.

You can become our patron on Patreon and get rewards in exchange for your support. You can give as little as $1/month (that’s only $12/year!) and you can unsubscribe at any time. Any donations will go a long way to support our work.panel-54141172-image-6fa93d06d6081076-320-320You can also make a one-time donation or donate monthly via Paypal by clicking on the button below. On the fence about giving? Check out our Achievements and Gains since we were created in 2002. Thank you for your generosity!

Senate committee misses opportunity to protect rights in study of national security bill, C-59. Now Senate as a whole must act.

OTTAWA, ON, May 13, 2019 – The Senate committee on national security and defence has missed an important opportunity to protect fundamental rights and freedoms in Canada and internationally by failing to bring necessary amendments to the National Security Act, 2017 (Bill C-59).

Bill C-59 was passed by committee without substantial amendment today, despite calls from leading civil liberties and human rights groups, and hundreds of letters from the public.

“National security concerns cannot come at the cost of privacy, free expression, due process and government transparency,” said Tim McSorley, national coordinator of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group. “There was a missed opportunity today to address the most egregious aspects of this bill.”

The Liberal government has touted Bill C-59 as being a “fix” for the previous government’s controversial Bill C-51 (the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015). While it brings some important improvements, Bill C-59:

  • Continues to allow CSIS to engage in secret and dangerous threat disruption powers;
  • Maintains the secretive No Fly List, which violates due process and has never been proven to be effective;
  • Grants sweeping new surveillance powers to both the CSE and CSIS, including the collection of metadata, vaguely defined “publicly available information,” and the incredibly broad category of “unselected information” (which essentially means any information)
  • Fails to prohibit the use and sharing, in all circumstances, of information linked to mistreatment and torture;
  • Will allow the CSE to engage in broad and powerful new “active cyber operations” with little oversight, creating the risk of retaliation as well as attacks from leaked new cyber-weapons.

The provisions adopted by the committee today to reduce the number of years before review of Bill C-59, and which allow the Intelligence Commissioner to suggest conditions on surveillance authorizations, are welcome, but are severely insufficient.

The committee also had the opportunity to improve on the strongest part of the bill: new national security review and oversight bodies. The ICLMG has welcomed the proposed National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA), as well as the Intelligence Commissioner. Greater transparency, independence and the ability to make binding recommendations, as well as offer redress for complainants when abuse is found, though, are essential to ensure both accountability and that the public have faith in the review and oversight system being created.

Even if review and oversight were improved, though, it still would not make up for bad laws, warns the ICLMG. “The NSIRA and the Intelligence Commissioner will only be able to enforce the rules set out in Bill C-59. With new powers of surveillance and data collection, ongoing secretive activities, and the real threat to due process, free expression and privacy, these bodies risk simply becoming rubber stamps,” said McSorley.

The bill will now return to the full Senate for debate and vote at third reading. The ICLMG is urging senators to use this last opportunity to take a strong position in defending civil liberties and human rights in Canada and internationally, all while protecting the safety of people in Canada and abroad.

Take action and urge the Senate to protect our human rights and fix C-59

Read our more detailed recommendations and our full brief to the Senate.

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Read our National Coordinator’s live-tweeting thread of the meeting

Since you’re here…

… we have a small favour to ask. Here at ICLMG, we are working very hard to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in the context of the so-called “war on terror” in Canada. We do not receive any financial support from any federal, provincial or municipal governments or political parties.

You can become our patron on Patreon and get rewards in exchange for your support. You can give as little as $1/month (that’s only $12/year!) and you can unsubscribe at any time. Any donations will go a long way to support our work.panel-54141172-image-6fa93d06d6081076-320-320You can also make a one-time donation or donate monthly via Paypal by clicking on the button below. On the fence about giving? Check out our Achievements and Gains since we were created in 2002. Thank you for your generosity!

ICLMG’s Senate testimony on Bill C-59, the National Security Act

On May 6, ICLMG’s National Coordinator, Tim McSorley, presented our main concerns to the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence on Bill C-59, the National Security Act, 2017. Some of them are:

1. C-59 empowers Canada’s national security agencies to engage in mass surveillance, including the mass collection and storage of our public information;

2. C-59 does not address the ongoing problems with the No Fly List, including the impossibility of an individual to effectively challenge their inclusion on the list;

3. C-59 would grant Canada’s signals intelligence agency, CSE, new powers to conduct cyberattacks, including hacking, deploying malware, and “disinformation campaigns.”

Take action and urge the Senate to protect our human rights and fix C-59

There are a LOT of issues with the bill but we had little time so you can read all about them and our **45** recommendations in our brief to the Senate.

Watch the full panel with our member Amnesty International Canada’s presentation and the Q&A with Senators.

If you prefer to read instead of watching/listening to a video, here are Tim’s speaking notes.

Since you’re here…

… we have a small favour to ask. Here at ICLMG, we are working very hard to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in the context of the so-called “war on terror” in Canada. We do not receive any financial support from any federal, provincial or municipal governments or political parties.

You can become our patron on Patreon and get rewards in exchange for your support. You can give as little as $1/month (that’s only $12/year!) and you can unsubscribe at any time. Any donations will go a long way to support our work.panel-54141172-image-6fa93d06d6081076-320-320You can also make a one-time donation or donate monthly via Paypal by clicking on the button below. On the fence about giving? Check out our Achievements and Gains since we were created in 2002. Thank you for your generosity!

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