Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Tell Ottawa to implement this Privacy Plan

OpenMedia – Canada’s growing privacy deficit has alarming consequences for our everyday lives. We’re at a tipping point where we need to decide whether to continue evolving into a surveillance society, or whether to rein in the government’s spying apparatus before more lives are ruined by information disclosures.

OpenMedia’s crowdsourced Privacy Plan outlines common sense steps to strengthen privacy safeguards for all of us.

The government has just rammed its anti-privacy Bill C-51 through the Senate. Now we need to tell Party Leaders to #KillC51 and implement this positive alternative.


Share the video below on Facebook and Twitter to keep the pressure on the party leaders

The Governance of Telecommunications Surveillance: How Opaque and Unaccountable Practices and Policies Threaten Canadians

2498847226_9beb1f55db_o-300x200Telecom Transparency Project – In their report, “The Governance of Telecommunications Surveillance: How Opaque and Unaccountable Practices and Policies Threaten Canadians,” the TTP discussed the regularity at which government agencies gain access to telecommunications data. Save for the Canadian Border Services Agency, federal government agencies that are principally responsible for conducting domestic telecommunications surveillance, such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, could not account for how often they use their surveillance powers.

The TTP concludes by asserting that new legislation must be introduced and passed so that Canadians become aware of the magnitude of contemporary telecommunications surveillance that policing organizations are involved in on a yearly basis.

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Press release: ICLMG urges Canadian government to act upon the United Nations report on Canada

Ottawa, Monday, July 27, 2015 -The UN Human Rights Committee report on the state of human rights in Canada reinforces the concerns raised repeatedly by the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG).

Last June, the ICLMG submitted a brief to the UN Human Rights Committee highlighting that Bill C-51 is a serious threat to civil liberties, freedom of expression, and the right to fair and transparent judicial procedures. Particularly alarming are the extended powers granted to CSIS, powers that had already been extended by Bill C-44. “Canada is the only country among the Five Eyes that has neither a robust review mechanism nor an oversight system for its security and intelligence agencies. We ask the government to remedy this unacceptable situation,” declares Dominique Peschard co-chair of the ICLMG.

“The UN report mirrors our concerns about the Anti-Terrorism Act 2015. The broadening of the definition of activities that undermine the security of Canada, increased information-sharing between national and international agencies, and the secret procedures used to place individuals on the no-fly list all pave the way to abuse and discriminatory profiling” says Monia Mazigh, national coordinator for the ICLMG. “There is no way C-51 can be fixed. It must be repealed”.


ICLMG’s brief submitted to the HRC of the UN: