On Giving Tuesday, help us continue the fight for civil liberties!

Hello everyone,

We need your help!

If we don’t raise $5,000 before the end of the year, we’ll have to cut back in our budget for next year, and our small team of two will have to put more hours of work towards fundraising rather than protecting civil liberties from the negative impact of national security laws and agencies.

Can we count on you to help us reach our goal?


This year, we were able to secure important wins!
  • The government introduced a bill that would create an independent review body for the CBSA
  • The House Justice Committee will hold hearings to study extradition reform
  • The Senate brought amendments to Bill S-7 regarding border searches of electronic devices to better protect privacy rights
  • The Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson is conducting a review of CRA audits of Muslim charities
But Canadians are still facing many challenges and we need your support to fight for our rights!
  • Intelligence agencies want more surveillance powers
  • National security agencies are stonewalling review bodies
  • There are 40 Canadians – including a majority of children – detained arbitrarily in conditions akin to torture in Syria
  • New privacy rules won’t rein in dangerous AI systems


If you can’t donate at this time, could you please share this call for donations via email and on Facebook + Twitter + Instagram?

Thank you so much for your support!

– Xan & Tim