News from ICLMG

Summary of comment on Bill C-43: Reducing fairness for refugees and permanent residents

Bill C-43 contains a number of provisions of concern to the CCR because they will lead to less fairness, do not honour Canada’s international legal obligations and deny some people the right to appear before an independent decision-maker.

Less fairness for people inadmissible on grounds of security, human or international rights violations or organized criminality

These inadmissibility sections are extremely broad and catch people who have committed no crime and represent no danger to safety or security. Among those affected are people who are inadmissible simply because they worked against undemocratic or brutal regimes.

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For details on these and other concerns, see the CCR submission.

Submission of Information by the ICLMG for Canada’s UN Universal Periodic Review

The ICLMG has sent its submission of Information to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in relation to the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review of Canada to take place in April 2013.

Read the submission

Visit the OHCHR’s website

Letter to Minister Toews on the Use of Torture-tainted information

Endorsed by ICLMG and ten civil society organizations

We are writing to you today to express our opposition to the government’s directives that would allow for the use of information that was likely extracted through torture. These directives are currently in the public spotlight following disclosure through an Access to Information request.

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Read the directives obtained under the Access to Information Act

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