Feb. 21, 2025, OTTAWA – The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) welcomes today’s commitment by Member of Parliament and Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland to take action to address the serious problem of systemic discrimination in the Canada Revenue Agency’s regulation of charities in Canada, particularly in regard to Muslim-led charities.
“We are calling on all Liberal leadership candidates and the leaders of all Canadian political parties to also commit to decisive action to end discriminatory CRA practices that single out Muslim-led and racialized charities for investigation, audits and penalties under the guise of countering terrorist financing,” said Tim McSorley, ICLMG national coordinator. “It is also long past due that the federal government take concrete action to address this documented history of discrimination by halting investigations by the CRA’s Review and Analysis Division, and to reform the guidelines that are used to justify such practices.”
In 2021, the ICLMG published a ground-breaking report, authored by McSorley, that documented how counter terrorist-financing measures developed post-9/11 have propagated systemic Islamophobia across government departments. This has placed charities that operate in and serve the Muslim community in Canada under undeserved scrutiny because of faulty conflations of religious, racial and political beliefs with support for terrorism. Central to this has been the work of the CRA’s Review and Analysis Division (RAD).
ICLMG research demonstrated how countering terrorist financing policies are guided by anti-Muslim biases, and that as a result, of the charities whose status was revoked by RAD between 2008 and 2015, 75 percent were Muslim-led charities. At least four more Muslim-led charities faced similar repercussions post-2015; secrecy and lack of external review makes it impossible to ascertain how many charities have faced similar repercussions. The report played a key role in Prime Minister Trudeau committing to action on this issue in 2021, the resulting investigation by the Office of the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson which found significant issues of bias and secrecy in the CRA’s activities, and the ongoing investigation by the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency.
In her letter to the National Council of Canadian Muslims, Freeland committed to abolishing the Review and Analysis Division and establishing an independent oversight body for the CRA.
“Taking these actions would be an important step forward in ending these discriminatory practices, and must also be coupled with the elimination of discriminatory policies that extend across government departments,” said McSorley.
As the former Minister of Finance, Freeland would be well aware of the cross-ministry practices – involving Finance, National Revenue (which oversees the CRA) and Public Safety – that have resulted in Muslim-led charities facing prejudiced audits and punitive penalties. The admission from a former finance minister that the Review and Analysis Division must be shuttered is a sign of the depths of this problem and the urgency to act.
“This is a clear signal that beyond commitments from leadership hopefuls and opposition parties, we must see action from the Liberal government itself. Minister of Revenue Élisabeth Brière and Minister of Finance Dominic Leblanc must take immediate action to shut down RAD investigations and bring in lasting policy changes to ensure this problem is addressed once and for all,” said McSorley.
About the ICLMG
The ICLMG is a national coalition of 44 Canadian NGOs, unions, professional associations, faith groups, environmental organizations, human rights and civil liberties advocates, as well as groups representing immigrant and refugee communities in Canada. Our mandate is to defend civil liberties and human rights in the context of the so-called “War on Terror.” More information at iclmg.ca.
More information:
Tim McSorley, National Coordinator
(613) 241-5298
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