Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Open Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Bill C-51 cannot be salvaged; it must be scrapped

stopc51_2ICLMG has co-signed an open letter, with more than 100 other organizations and individuals, to urge Prime Minister Harper to withdraw Bill C-51.

Read the letter and see the signatories here

This letter is open for endorsements throughout the “Stop C-51 Week of Education,” from April 13-19. To add your name to the statement, please email Laura Tribe with your organization’s name, or your full name and title.

UnfollowMe: Tell governments to ban mass surveillance

UnfollowMe-worldleadersGovernments are snooping on everything we do online. State intelligence and security agencies are using mass surveillance to collect our private emails, calls, internet searches, contact lists, phone locations, webcam images and more.

Sign Amnesty International’s petition today, and call on Canada, the USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand – to end indiscriminate mass surveillance today.


Tell the U.S. government to free Slahi

American Civil Liberties Union – Write to the U.S. Secretary of Defense: “Mohamedou Slahi is being held indefinitely despite his innocence. His ongoing imprisonment is unlawful, as was the torture he survived. I’m asking you not to contest Slahi’s habeas case. Please release Mohamedou Slahi without delay.”