Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Our submission of information to the HRC for the examination of Canada’s compliance with the ICCPR

Canada’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) will be examined by the Human Rights Committee (HRC) this summer. The ICLMG has sent a brief to Geneva stating our concerns and Canada’s contraventions to the ICCPR, including those regarding the Anti-terrorism Act of 2001, the no-fly list, the security certificates, the Arar and Iacobucci commissions, CSEC,  Bill C-51, Bill C-44, and the Budget Bill and the alarming trend of increasing discretionary ministerial powers and use of secret evidence in court.

Submission summary  

ICLMG has examined the list of issues published by the HRC in October 2014 in relation to Canada’s sixth report, and submits that certain Canadian laws, policies, and practices, with respect to those issues, contravene several provisions of the international covenant, which contraventions are set out below. In particular we must emphasize recent Canadian Bill C-51 which has substantially extended these contraventions in a most serious way.

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Canada’s Privacy Plan: A Crowdsourced Agenda to tackle Canada’s Privacy Deficit

PrivacyReportCover_rightcolumnOpen Media – Canada’s growing privacy deficit has alarming consequences for our everyday lives. We’re at a tipping point where we need to decide whether to continue evolving into a surveillance society, or whether to rein in the government’s spying apparatus before more lives are ruined by information disclosures. 

This crowdsourced plan outlines common sense steps to strengthen privacy safeguards for all of us.

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Take action! Stop Bill C-51 before it’s too late!

Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015 has been voted at 3rd reading in the House of Commons on May 6th, 2015. It is now in the Senate. Even after two national days of protests all over Canada, a drop in support for the bill from 82% to 33%, more than 205 000 people having spoken out online against C-51, the Conservatives are still refusing to listen to the majority of Canadians and are pushing this reckless, dangerous and unnecessary bill through Parliament with as little debate and amendments as possible.

Here is what you can still do:

  • Spread the word by sharing this on social media.