Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Manifestations et répressions: Report by the Ligue des droits et libertés

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All events do not seem equal before the law. Some will be tolerated, even in case of infringement, while others will be repressed. Why? worries the Ligue des droits et libertés, in a report released in June 2015.

Read the report

Declaration of the Voices-Voix Coalition

2010-06-18_voices-voix_declaration_poster-2United, we call upon the Government of Canada to:

1. Respect the right to freedom of opinion and expression


  • Cease to deliberately target those who speak out against government policies with the use of smear campaigns, dismissal from employment, funding cuts, blatant and subtle threats, regulations designed to obfuscate and prevent public debate, and other acts of bad faith.
  • Commit to parliamentary hearings that address widespread concerns about the loss of democratic space in Canada.

2. Act in accordance with Canada’s democratic traditions and values


  • Actively promote and support political diversity and public debate, instead of avoiding it.
  • Recognize and respect the vital role, expertise, and necessary independence of civil society organizations.

3. Be transparent


  • Demonstrate full respect for and accountability to the Parliament of Canada and the Canadian People.
  • Allow complete access for Canadians to information regarding public policy decisions.
  • Base funding decisions for government and civil society organizations on fair standards and democratic principles, instead of partisan agendas.

Read more and endorse the Declaration, as an individual or an organization

Read the report Dismantling Democracy: Stifling debate and dissent in Canada

Dismantling Democracy: Stifling debate and dissent in Canada

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.18.48 PMIn Dismantling Democracy: Stifling debate and dissent in Canada, Voices-Voix documents the abuse of parliamentary rules, the intimidation of public servants, and the defunding and intimidation of organizations that hold views at odds with the government.

The report documents where the federal government has gutted the capacity of its own departments and independent agencies to offer information and analysis needed to make sound policy choices. From scuttling the long-form census, to muzzling scientists, to cutting funding for evidence-based advocacy, the report argues that the government has pursued a deliberate strategy to repress alternative views.

Voices is calling on Canadians to press politicians for clear commitments to uphold rights, promote healthy dialogue and strengthen democracy.

Read the report here.

Share the report by clicking here for Facebook, or here for Twitter.

Add your voice, by signing the Voices-Voix Declaration here.