Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Canadian human rights groups send two letters to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale

B97524477Z.120151118164907000GUJBN8C6.11The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group in collaboration with other prominent Canadian human rights organizations is sending today two separate letters to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale containing recommendations with respect to the upcoming national security reform in Canada.

The first letter proposes seven principles to guide the government’s approach to anticipated consultations with respect to national security. This letters’ signatories are:

Amnesty International Canada (English branch)
Amnistie internationale Canada francophone
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
La Ligue des droits et libertés
National Council of Canadian Muslims

The second letter focuses on the parliamentary oversight of national security agencies and the importance of including comprehensive and robust review mechanisms of those same agencies. This letters’ signatories are:

Amnesty International Canada
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
British Columbia Freedom of Information and Privacy Association
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Canadian Association of University Teachers
Canadian Council for Refugees
Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
Lawyers Rights Watch Canada
Ligue des droits et liberties
National Council of Canadian Muslims

Editorial – Will the government listen to spies’ demands or to the population’s?

megaphone_by_sidvicious08By Monia Mazigh – In January 2015, the Canadian government introduced the controversial anti-terrorism legislation, Bill C-51. At that time, the Conservative government underestimated the strong opposition of the Canadian population to Bill C-51.

The government thought that both the Parliament Hill and the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu attacks created a climate of fear that would convince the population to staunchly support the national security policies at any price. Indeed, the support for stiffer anti-terrorism legislation in November 2014 was at 70%, and in February 2015, the support for Bill C-51 reached a peak of 80%. But after a public education campaign, the support rapidly started to drop and among citizens who heard of Bill C-51, only 38% approved it. Even with impressive public opposition and outcry, the Parliament adopted the bill in June 2015.

The Liberals supported the bill but promised that if elected they will amend the controversial parts. The NDP opposed the bill and promised to repeal it if elected. Today, we have a Liberal government and we still don’t know exactly what they will do with C-51. However, we know from some media reports that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is not very eager to see these changes or amendments happening, especially since C-51 grants them huge disruption powers. And despite what the director of CSIS recently disclosed about these powers, the public knows little about them and how they are used.

In its submission about C-51, and referring to the disruption powers, the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group wrote “that these extraordinary powers are unprecedented, dangerous, and have no place in a free and democratic society.” That doesn’t seem to be the opinion of Michel Coulombe, director of CSIS, who while testifying in front of the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence mentioned that the disruption powers embedded in Bill C-51 were used nearly 24 times since last fall . As expected and feared by civil rights groups, CSIS didn’t ask for judicial approval before conducting these disruptive actions. They decided on their own that they aren’t violating any provisions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. CSIS hasn’t explain any of these actions.

How can we trust them? CSIS has a history of misleading its review mechanism, the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), and the courts. Here are a few examples:

  • In the 2015 SIRC annual report, we learned that CSIS, on several occasions, obtained tax information from the Canada Revenue Agency on Canadian citizens without a warrant. SIRC discovered it and recommended to CSIS to correct the situation and follow the proper procedure. Nevertheless, nothing has been done, at least to our knowledge, to correct the situation.
  • In the 2014 annual report, SIRC found that it had been “seriously misled” by CSIS and that CSIS agents had violated their duty of candour during ex parte proceedings.
  • And if this is not enough to convince the sceptics, let’s also remember that, in 2013, Justice Mosley had found CSIS to be in breach of its duty of candour to the Court by not disclosing information that was relevant to obtaining a warrant for its spying activities.

But even if CSIS got approval from the courts to spy on people and “disrupt” their activities, it doesn’t make the disruption powers legitimate. The law says CSIS intelligence officers cannot harm, kill or sexually assault anyone, but use of the power is otherwise open-ended. A 2004 Globe and Mail article, reported that between 1993 and 2003, CSIS has succeeded in having its warrant applications approved 99.3 per cent of the time. If that was the case before Bill C-51, why should we expect things to be any different today?

Meanwhile, we are still in the dark regarding the government’s plan. It did not make any announcements relative to C-51 and the public consultations. We know that Minister Goodale listened to the demands of Mr. Coulombe and that the latter told him that CSIS “operates on tight strictures, not arbitrary whims”. But, as we have seen, they have extraordinary leeway in their actions, and have a history of abusing their powers and not listening to the authorities who are in place to ensure our rights are respected. Will Minister Goodale now listen to the Canadians about their concerns on C-51?


Editorial – No-Fly List: what is the government trying to hide?

no_flying_wide.5697beccdf526By Monia Mazigh – In January 2016, the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) with the great help of Ken Rubin, Canada’s long-time access to information warrior, filed an access to information application about the No-fly list.

More specifically, we asked for the number per year of written notifications sent to individuals to inform them they cannot fly. Also, given the media reports about the numerous cases of Canadian kids who were double-screened, checked and always delayed before boarding a plane at Canadian airports, we wanted to inquire about who is included on the no-fly list, especially minors. And finally, we asked about the appeal or redress process.

Last week, we received 88 pages of documents. Only 8 pages were unredacted. The rest was a succession of white pages where the information has been withheld from us because of, according to the governement, privacy issues, national security, crime investigations, enforcing the law, and other matters.

The documents, mainly memos, rated “Top secret” or sometimes “Secret”, were written by John Davies, the Director General of the National Security Policy Directorate, from the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. These memos were addressed to the attention of the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister. They are about Specified Person Advisory Group recommendations. At the end of 88 pages, the memos are signed by another senior bureaucrat, Ratu Banerjee, apparently the acting Director General.

The mandate of the Specified Persons Advisory Group (SPAG) is to identify individuals who should be considered for specification and to provide advice to the Minister of Public Safety on which individuals should be specified, i.e. put on the Specified Persons List or the actual “no-fly list”.

The chair of the SPAG is the Director General of the National Security Policy Directorate. Other voting members include senior officials from CSIS, CBSA, RCMP and Transport Canada. A senior counsel from the Department of Justice and the Chief of Operations for the Passenger Protect Program from Transport Canada participate in meetings but only in an advisory capacity. What is interesting to know is that one senior official from CSEC may be invited, for an advisory role, when the individuals considered for specification are based wholly or in large measure on signals intelligence information.

The SPAG will meet every 30 days or less and it is the Transport Canada who is in charge of transmitting the names of specified individuals to air carriers.

In the Aeronautics Act that was relied upon by the Canadian government in 2007 to introduce the Passenger Protect Program, there are no explicit criteria for specification. However, it is unclear to us how the Act has been interpreted to use “reasonable grounds to suspect” as the criteria for the Minister of Public Safety to add names to the list. The memos explain further that “reasonable suspicion must be supported by factual elements that be adduced in evidence” but they do not elaborate on that aspect or at least we didn’t see anything in the documents on that issue.

The SPAG suggests a set of measures to be applied to listed persons:

– The denial of transportation;

– The requirement for additional screening;

– The permission to travel only if an in-flight officer is on board.

So basically, even if we are allowed to board on the plane, it doesn’t mean that our name is not on a list. It can mean that we are permitted to travel because there is an air marshal on board of the plane controlling our mouvements and supposedly assuring the security of the airplane.

The documents superficially address the question of de-specification in the following terms: “To ensure that the information about specified individuals remains accurate and up-to-date, and consequently that the grounds for specifying them remain current, at every monthly meeting the Chair of the Advisory Group will ask Members whether they have new information on specified individuals”.

However, we don’t know if there were cases of Canadians who were delisted.  We also learned that “the department or agency that originally nominated a person for specification will inform the Advisory Group when it no longer has reasonable grounds to suspect that he or she poses a threat to aviation security.”

Reading from these pages is a sort of a guessing game. A charade with skewed distribution of information, where the government is preventing us from seeing the full picture.

Inferring from these pages, we understand that some of the content released to us predated Bill C-51, whereas other pages inform us about the situation of the Passenger Protection Program after the introduction of Bill C-51. The hint resides in the threshold for specification of individuals. With Bill C-51, that threshold was lowered to include those who travel by air for the purpose of committing terrorist acts or joining terrorist groups.

Unfortunately, these documents didn’t answer our initial questions: how many Canadians are on the no-fly list? Why kids, like Adam Ahmed, the Hockey fan from Toronto, are still on the list with no possibility so far to remove them?

The whole question of redress and appeal remains a total mystery.

See the documents obtained through the Access to Information Act