Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Bill C-51 Showdown – Radio interview with our National Coordinator Roch Tassé

From The Margins – Canada’s proposed new Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015, introduced as the now infamous Bill C-51, may be a game changer in curtailing civil liberties of those who dissent too strongly against whatever the government may deem as key to their economic strategy; in other words, it looks to target not just what most people may think of as terrorism, but move the targets beyond that range. This is the fear of indigenous communities, opponents of the fossil fuel economy, the labour movement, and many other activists, all who may be targeted by the Bill’s machinations. Concerns abound, from the proposed new powers of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (Canada’s spy agency) to violate Charter rights based on suspicions of what they deem to be terrorism / perceived activities that undermine the security of Canada … to concerns over increased powers of preemptive detention (based on suspicions of future crimes) … and on the list goes.

On this show, these are the issues that will be dissected. I have a conversation with Roch Tasse, National Coordinator of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, who will elaborate on and explain major concerns with this Bill. Following that, you’ll hear from Jim Emberger, Spokesperson for the NB Anti Shale Gas Alliance, who see themselves, other environmentalists and many dissenters in general as being targeted on account of Bill C-51 and ominous reports from the RCMP. Listen to the podcast

Saudi Arabia: Free blogger sentenced to flogging

raif-badawi3Raif Badawi should be in Canada today, with his wife and their three children. Instead he is spending time in Briman prison, Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia.

UPDATE: RAIF BADAWI HAS NOT BEEN FLOGGED FOR THE 6TH CONSECUTIVE WEEK. Raif received 50 lashes in public on Friday, January 9th during prayer time in Jeddah. Raif remains at risk of flogging as long as the court verdict and sentence remains in place. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING UP THE PRESSURE!

Authorities arrested Raif Badawi (pronounced Ra-eef Ba-da-wee) on 17 June 2012. They charged him with insulting Islam and creating the “Saudi Arabian Liberals” website for social and political debate. The charges are related to articles Raif wrote criticizing religious figures.

Raif Badawi’s case bounced back and forth between courts until 7 May 2014. On that day, the Criminal Court pronounced a sentence of 10 years in prison, 1000 lashes and a fine of 1 million riyals (about $290,000 CDN). After he serves a decade in jail, he is also forbidden to travel for the following decade and from participating in the media.


The Secret Trial 5 Canadian-wide tour dates announced!

You can now watch the movie online here!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of The Secret Trial 5 grassroots, cross-Canada screening tour:

Montreal, QC
Thursday, March 12 at Cinema du Parc, 7pm

Advance Tickets

Antigonish, NS
Friday, March 13 at St. Francis Xavier University, 7pm

(StFX campus) Schwartz School of Business Room 215

Halifax, NS
Saturday, March 14 at Ondaatje Hall, Dalhousie University, 2pm

Advance Tickets

Kingston, ON
Sunday, March 15 at The Screening Room, 4pm AND 7pm

Tickets available at the door

North York, ON
Tuesday, March 17 at the Price Family Cinema, York University, 11:30am

FREE screening!

London, ON
Wednesday, March 18 at the Hyland Cinema, 7pm

Advance Tickets

Waterloo, ON
Thursday, March 19 at Princess Cinemas, 6:30pm

Advance Tickets

Guelph, ON
Saturday, March 21 at The Bookshelf, 2pm

Advance Tickets

Winnipeg, MB
Sunday, March 22 at the Bandwidth Theatre, 3:30pm AND 7:30pm

Tickets available at the door
Screening March 20th-26th at the Bandwidth!

Saskatoon, SK
Monday, March 23 at the Broadway Theatre, 7pm

Advance Tickets

Surrey, BC
Tuesday, March 24 at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey Campus, 7pm

Fir Building, Room 128
FREE screening!

Vancouver, BC
Wednesday, March 25 at the Vancity Theatre, 6:30pm

Advance Tickets

The ST5 team would like to acknowledge the generous support of Jayu Human Rights FestivalInter Pares, and Open Cinema, as well as all 158 of our Kickstarter Backers for making this tour possible!

For more information, check out their website, and Facebook and Eventbrite pages.