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Stop Mohamed Harkat’s deportation to torture – Let’s keep up the pressure!


Read ICLMG’s letter urging Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale to exempt Mohamed Harkat from deportation and let him stay and live with his wife and family in Canada.

The following is a request written by Sophie Harkat, Mohamed Harkat’s spouse.

Dear supporter,

As you probably know by now, Mohamed Harkat (detained under a security certificate since Dec. 2002) faces deportation to torture. He was issued his inadmissibility letter during the federal election campaign and under the leadership of the Liberals, the CBSA is still pushing through with his deportation. They stated in their report that Mohamed has not been an active contributing member of society, has not financially helped his family and that I would be fine without him (never mind the fact he was detained by force for 43 months without charge, on house arrest for 7.5 years under the toughest bail conditions in Canadian history , still prevented from using technology/computer/internet/cell phone outside the home and his name ruined by allegations) Mohamed held three jobs before he was arrested and has actively been looking for full time work.

The report also agrees he might face risks if deported to Algeria, but that Canadians face more risks if he remains in Canada.

Over a thousand supporters wrote letters this past winter (THANK YOU!!), but there has been no movement at their end.


Since then, some important decisions have been made:

1- The Liberals have agreed to sign the UN Optional Protocol Against Torture

2- The UK refuses to deport 8 Algerian men back to Algeria because they face being tortured/detention or risks to their safety

3- The US government has concluded that diplomatic assurances are not reliable and that they cannot keep track of the detainee once the transfer is completed. Many detainees have been tortured.

Let’s ask the Liberals, why are they going ahead with the deportation then?

PLEASE take one minute to email the letter below.

Thank you for your support, solidarity and generosity!

Sophie Harkat, wife of Mohamed Harkat who thinks Mohamed is an asset to this society, and would be a GREAT Canadian; he has a huge network of friends and family that love him and want him to stay in Canada!

If you want to help with legal fees (we get no legal aid), you can do so at www.justiceforharkat.com


Send to ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca and john.mccallum@parl.gc.ca and copy  letharkatstay@gmail.com

Dear Minister Goodale and Minister McCallum,

In the spirit of the Liberals recent stated intention to sign the UN Optional Protocol Against Torture, we urge you to comply with Article 2 of the Convention Against Torture (“No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political in stability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.”) and Article 3 (No State Party shall expel, return (“refouler”) or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.”

We bring this to your attention because of Canada’s ongoing efforts to deport Mr. Mohamed Harkat – who has lived in Canada for 20 years – to Algeria, where it is clear that he would be at substantial risk of torture both as someone who fled that country as a refugee and given the false state security allegations that have been leveled against him. As you are likely aware, Mr. Harkat has been subjected to the Kafka-esque secret hearing process known as a security certificate, and has never had a proper opportunity to challenge and refute the secret allegations that form the basis of the case against him, and which rely on a secret informant who failed a lie detector test.

Needless to say, even state security agencies such as CSIS and the RCMP concede Mr. Harkat has never committed any act of violence nor violated any law (passed his criminal background check).  All of the risk assessments done by the CBSA and CSIS since 2009 have been positive and concluded that Mohamed is a low risk.

We also draw your attention to a recent Appeals Court case in the UK in which Sir Anthony Clarke, Lord Justice Buxton, and Lady Justice Smith refused to deport eight men to Algeria despite the so-called “diplomatic assurances” that they would not be tortured by the Algerian regime. International human rights organizations including Amnesty International have long highlighted that “diplomatic assurances” in human rights cases  are not worth the paper they are written on. In addition, they violate Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention Against Torture, to which Canada remains a signatory.




Canadian groups call on the government to uphold the right to dissent

Today we join our voices together to express our deep concern about the Opposition motion that condemns the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

We are strongly committed to democratic rights and freedoms for all Canadians. The right of dissent is enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Any attempt to criminalize, condemn, intimidate or silence peaceful and nonviolent actions of individuals and groups that support or sympathize with the BDS movement, should be rejected.

Criticizing or opposing Canada’s policies and/or a foreign country’s policies should not be condemned: it is the essence of our freedom and democracy. We remain committed to these principles and we call on our government to commit to them.

Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

Canadian Union for Public Employees (CUPE)

Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)

Independent Jewish Voices (IJV)

International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG)

Ligue des droits et libertés (LDL)

United Church of Canada (UCC)


Tell your MP you oppose the anti-Boycott motion!

The ICLMG calls for strong oversight and review of Canadian national security agencies

Canada’s numerous national security agencies – including CSEC, CSIS, the RCMP and CBSA – have inadequate or simply no oversight or review mechanisms. This has led to human rights violations such as the rendition to torture of Canadian citizens Maher Arar, Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad El-Maati and Muayyed Nurredin, among others.

In 2006, Justice O’Connor concluded the Arar Commission with several recommendations to prevent such atrocities from happening again: Canadian national security agencies must be subjected to robust, integrated and comprehensive oversight and review.

Years have passed and the federal government has yet to implement the recommendations. Here is how you can help:


Send a letter (mail may be sent postage-free to any Member of Parliament):

Minister of Public Safety, Ralph Goodale
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Or an email: ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca

Model letter

Dear Minister Goodale,

I am writing you today to urge the Liberal government to do the following:

  • Repeal the Anti-terrorist Act of 2015 (Bill C-51)
  • Make the “No-fly list” open, transparent and accountable
  • Ensure that spying on Canadians is not permitted
  • Implement the review and oversight mechanisms as recommended by Justice O’Connor in the Arar Commission as soon as possible
  • Do not grant any greater powers to CSIS

Sincerely yours,


For more information about Canada’s national security agencies and the bodies in charge of their review, if any, click here.

Since you’re here…

… we have a small favour to ask. Here at ICLMG, we are working very hard to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in the context of the so-called “war on terror” in Canada. We do not receive any financial support from any federal, provincial or municipal governments or political parties. Any donations will go a long way to support our work.

On the fence about giving? Check out our Achievements and Gains since we were created in 2002. Thank you for your generosity! 
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