Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Press release: Appointment of new ICLMG National Coordinator, Monia Mazigh

o-MONIA-HIJAB-facebookOttawa – The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) is happy to announce the appointment of Dr. Monia Mazigh as its new National Coordinator. Ms. Mazigh is a well known academic, author and human rights advocate.

The ICLMG, created in the aftermath of the September, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, is a national coalition that brings together some 43 NGOs, unions, professional associations, faith groups, environmental organizations, human rights and civil liberties advocates, as well as groups representing immigrant and refugee communities in Canada. In the context of the so-called ‘war on terror’, its mandate is to defend the rule of law and promote civil liberties and human rights set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, federal and provincial laws, and international human rights instruments.

In recent months, the ICLMG has played an active role in building opposition to Bill C-51, which was adopted in the Senate on June 9th in spite of huge public opposition from a vast spectrum of Canadian society.

“With her personal experience and broad knowledge of national security issues and policies, Monia Mazigh is well positioned to lead ICLMG’s efforts for the repeal of C-51 and the implementation of robust review and oversight mechanisms over national security agencies” said Dominique Peschard, the coalition’s Co-Chair.

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Tell party leaders to commit to Kill Bill C-51!

Open Media – 271,060 Canadians spoke out against reckless Bill C-51.

The government just ignored you and rammed it through Parliament.

It’s time to demand each of the party leaders commit to Kill Bill C-51 now!


Learn more about the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015 (formerly Bill C-51) here.

Free Canadian citizen Salim Alaradi: Sign the online petition!

salim-family-2Free Salim Alaradi – We urge the United Arab Emirates to stop the torture, and unconditionally and immediately release Canadian citizen Salim Alaradi, who has been detained since August 2014.


Background story:

On August 28, 2014 Salim was arrested without charge from a hotel during a family vacation.  His family was never told why he was arrested or where he was taken.  Family members immediately informed Canadian authorities.

On the same day, his brother Mohamad Alaradi was also arrested and detained.

The UAE authorities refused to provide information to the family.  The family did not publicly advocate in hopes of Salim’s immediate release, however, his whereabouts remained unknown for over four months until a call was received and details of his location were provided.

After 4 months his brother Mohamad was released. Reasons for arrest or release where never shared and are considered arbitrary. It is suspected that his release was due to international pressure and to reduce attention on those detained.

During this period, it became clear that Salim’s arrest was one of several arrests on residents who held Libyan nationality. At least ten Libyan men, some with dual nationality, were detained in the UAE between 13th of August and 3rd of September. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch quickly investigated and issued reports confirming that Salim’s detainment was considered enforced disappearance and arbitrary under international law.