Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

Statement about the Honourable Flora MacDonald

Ottawa, Monday, July 27, 2015 – The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) and all its members organizations are saddened by the passing of the longtime Canadian politician and Order of Canada recipient.

The Honourable Flora MacDonald was one of ICLMG’s “friend” and strong supporter. We convey our deepest sympathies to her family and friends.

“Flora MacDonald, with her great experience in diplomacy and politics, supported the work of ICLMG since the beginning. Her wisdom and her sense of justice made her a strong and important voice in our organization” says Roch Tassé, former National coordinator, who participated with Flora MacDonald in several events organized by ICLMG.

“Canada has lost one of its dedicated politicians and humanitarians. Flora MacDonald worked tirelessly on issues of foreign affairs, women’s rights and education. She will be missed,” declares the Honourable Warren Allmand a “friend” of ICLMG and former Solicitor General of Canada.


bigstock-green-donate-button-46905649-e1436889936996-900x468Your donation to ICLMG supports our work to protect and promote civil liberties and human rights in the context of the so-called “war on terror” in Canada. Our work includes:  lobbying and carrying out advocacy work with Parliamentarians and policy makers, research, writing briefs and reports, public education and media monitoring.

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International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
210-4 Florence Street
Ottawa, ON
K2P 0W7

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Press release: Bill C-51 has passed but serious human rights concerns have not gone away

When Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act 2015, was tabled in Parliament this spring, Canada’s leading human rights organizations called for the Bill to be withdrawn. The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group Amnesty International, the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association, La Ligue des Droits et Libertés and the National Council of Canadian Muslims have stated from the outset that the serious human rights shortcomings in Bill C-51 are so numerous and inseparably interrelated that the Bill should be withdrawn in its entirety. We believe that any national security law reform should instead, first, be convincingly demonstrated to be necessary and should then proceed only in a manner that is wholly consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the country’s international human rights obligations.

Disappointingly, Bill C-51 has passed and is poised to become law. But the fight isn’t over yet. Too much is at stake. Over the past few months, we saw public concern and opposition to Bill C-51 grow as Canadians learned more about the Bill and the threat it poses to fundamental rights and freedoms. Now that it has passed, if we are to see the Anti-terrorism Act 2015 repealed, it is crucial that Canadians continue to have conversations in the months to come about security, human rights, and basic freedoms – with each other and with those seeking office in the fall’s federal election. We believe that the government has never made the case for Bill C-51 beyond the simple assertion that it “needs” additional powers to protect public safety. But it has provided no explanation as to why Canada’s spy agency needs unprecedented and troubling disruption powers.  It has not made a credible case for the vast, opaque and unaccountable all-of-government information sharing regime Bill C-51 creates.  And, it has provided no evidence for how no-fly lists with appeal provisions that lack due process actually improve aviation security and public safety.

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