Author Archives: ICLMG CSILC

CSEC, mass surveillance and Bill C-51: Interview with our Communications and Research Coordinator, Anne Dagenais Guertin

CIBL reçoit – CIBL 101,5 La radio citoyenne de Montréal, en collaboration avec des organismes du milieu, présente une émission différente chaque semaine avec une même priorité: mieux informer le citoyen montréalais. Le premier mercredi du mois, CIBL reçoit La solidarité en action en collaboration avec Alternatives. Des membres d’Alternatives se joignent à l’équipe de CIBL pour faire la lumière sur des dossiers chauds qui mobilisent les communautés d’ici et d’ailleurs, comme l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, le réchauffement climatique, etc.

On March 4, 2015, La solidarité en action interviewed ICLMG’s Communications and Research Coordinator, Anne Dagenais Guertin, on the activities of the Communications Security Establishment of Canada (CSEC), mass surveillance and the potential dangerous impacts of Bill C-51.

Listen to the podcast, from 21:00 to 35:00:


Show’s website

Snowden Archive

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression – This Archive is a complete collection of all documents that former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked in June 2013 to journalists Laura Poitras, Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill, and subsequently were published by news media, such as The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, El Mundo and The Intercept. The leaked documents and their coverage have raised significant public concerns and had a major impact on intelligence policy debates internationally over issues of freedom of expression, privacy, national security and democratic governance more broadly.

The Archive also contains some documents that the U.S. Government has published which are helpful in understanding the leaked documents. The Archive does not contain any documents that have not already been published in other sources.

The approximately 400 documents currently in the Archive are a small fraction of the estimated 50,000 documents Snowden turned over. Most of these will likely not be published, but as new documents are published, they will be added to the Archive.

Access the Snowden Archive

CSE revelations summaries

C-51: Reject fear. Sign the petition against Stephen Harper’s “secret police” bill

To: Our MPs and Party Leaders

Prime Minister Harper is trying to pass a new “secret police” law, Bill C-51, that would give reckless and unnecessary powers to spy agencies with little oversight or accountability. Let’s defend our democracy – tell party leaders and MPs to reject fear, stop this bill and start over with real oversight.

We call on MPs to reject Stephen Harper’s fear campaign and stop the bill, unless it’s amended to:

— Include strong safeguards for Canadians, including a dedicated, high-level Parliamentary committee to oversee our spy agencies.

— Strip out the attacks on civil liberties, including the sweeping expansion of spy powers, criminalization of speech, and preventative arrest for those who have committed no crime.

— Clarify the vague parts of the bill, to be certain it will only be used to target people who pose a violent threat to the lives and physical security of people