ICLMG reacts to troubling court decision on Canadians indefinitely detained in northeast Syria

Protest for the repatriation of all Canadians from NE Syria

OTTAWA, June 6, 2023 – The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), based in Ottawa, released the following statement today regarding the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision in Canada v. Boloh 1(a):

The Federal Court of Appeal’s recent decision on Canadians indefinitely imprisoned in northeastern Syria is deeply troubling. The ruling ignores the clear and undeniable fact that the Canadian government’s actions (and inaction) amount to leaving its citizens in life threatening, indefinite detention akin to torture. In its original ruling, the Federal Court found that the government had violated section 6(1) of the Charter and the country’s obligations under international law by essentially condemning these Canadians to exile and banishment. This remains the case.

The Canadian government’s unrelenting efforts to avoid their duty under both the Charter and international law is unacceptable. Canada must urgently repatriate all Canadian detainees – men, women and children – and, in the case of Canadian children, their parents as well.


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