CSIS: Canadian Security Intelligence Services – human intelligence agency
SIRC: Security Intelligence Review Committee – review body for CSIS
CSEC: Communications Security Establishment Canada – electronic intelligence agency
OCSEC: Office of the CSE Commissioner – review body for CSEC
RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police – national police
CRCC: Civilian Review Complaints Commission – review body for the RCMP
CBSA: Canadian Border Services Agency – has no oversight or review body
ATA, 2015: Anti-terrorist Act, 2015 (formerly Bill C-51)
Charter: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
SCISA: Security of Canada Information Sharing Act (was enacted with the adoption of C-51)
SATA: Secure Air Travel Act
IRPA: Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
PPP: Passenger Protect Program
NSA: National Security Agency (American counterpart to CSEC)
IP address: Internet Protocol address – a unique computer identifier
IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity – a unique cellphone identifier